phorku's circle progress

Monday, September 05, 2005

First 28 Days Progress

Well I am 28 days (August 8 - September 5 2005) into my first circle and I am behind in my problems. My USCF rating is still provisional.
Standard 1530 -> 1555 (Approaching all time high of 1581)
Blitz 1082 -> 1082
Quick 1182P11
Rapid 1302P11

I have completed 396 (Levels 10 and 20) problems from CT-Art 3.0
Level 10 89%
Level 20 76%
Overall 78%
ELO 1906 (whatever that means)

There are several reasons why I am behind in my circles.
1. Life reasons - have kids, need to look for a new job, moving over the next 2 months girlfriend, family, chores and all that stuff
2. Computer on the fritz and competing with son for computer time. New computer will be picked up on Wednesday. Will fix this one up for my son.
3. Did not read the instructions well enough for scheduling my circles.
4. All this blogging takes up so much time.
5. Need to actually play some chess to have a ratings improvement.

I am learning a lot from doing these problems. They are helping to strengthen my end game and help me see more mating patterns. Some of the problems are tough and I just about blow a fuse because I swear it is tactically dead. Even when I complete the problem I learn little if am frustrated. Sometimes it seems like too much of a chore. Often times I am doing a couple problems here and there while cooking or whatever.

From reading the book I should be finding another source of simple problems. Perhaps I will start using the chess tactics server. Maybe I will modify the circle program and just use CT-Art. I will make a decision sometime today.

I should probably set some goals for myself too.
First I will try the make the point a day goal 400 in 400 days.
Failing that I will try to make the realistic and personally satisfying goal of 100 points a year to 1800 FICS/USCF.
As I approach 1800 then I can start setting new goals.


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